So there it is, for the world to read. I was pretty excited to find it there, right next to Yoshi's!
I am doing well at home. The blog missed the entire Spain and Portugal trip-extravaganza-reunion of last month, but I'll put a few pictures here just so it can be recorded in the blog chain-of-events.
Now I am here in Mevasseret, writing from the couch with Maddy right next to me. I have spent some percentage of the last 3 weeks I've been home trying to find something to do for the 4 I have left. I've met with the deputy mayor for the Environment, worked with VolunteerJerusalem by writing a database of Jewish environmental organizations, met with Pearl at SPNI, and will probably end up teaching English to Ethiopian girls in the Mevasseret absorption center and helping to write foresty curriculum for a Jewish-funded youth village in Rwanda. Special twist!